Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Star of the Week

Our star this week is Phuong!
We loved learning more about Phuong through his poster, poem and pictures.  We learned that his hero is his mom, and that he cares a lot for his family, especially his niece Carmen.
We all giggled when he said the nickname he'd choose for himself is "Bob".
He chose to have a picture taken with Tanner and Anthony.
Thanks for doing a fantastic job, Phuong!

Math Games

We've been playing a lot of games in math class this year!
Today we played Division Dash and Big Number Top-It.  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Star of the Week

Our star this week was Anthony!
We learned a lot about Anthony while he presented his poster, poem, and photos.  
He is a big fan of Lego's and he has quite a collection of them!  His favorite movie is "Born to Be Wild" about orangutans and elephants, and he wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up.
Anthony's special guest  was his mom.
Thanks for being our star, Anthony!

Nonfiction Reading

During guided reading we've started reading nonfiction books centered around our Science and Social Studies standards.  The 4th graders are working on a few things while they're reading, such as asking questions, making connections, clarifying unknown words and summarizing.
They're doing a great job working with all of our new nonfiction titles.  Nice work, 4th graders!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Star of the Week

Our star this week is Lily!
Lily did a fantastic job presenting her poem, poster and photos.  She had a lot of photos from her family vacation in Disneyworld which were fun to see.  
We learned that her favorite movie is Dolphin Tale and that her favorite sport is figure skating.
Lily's special guests today were her brother, mom, and dad.
Thanks for being our star, Lily!  You were awesome!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Reading Buddies

Every Friday our 4th graders get together with their 1st grade Reading Buddies.  The 4th graders bring books to read to the 1st graders to practice their fluency, comprehension, accuracy and expression.  The 1st graders also read their library books to the 4th graders to practice the same things. 
It's a great time for our students to get to know each other while enjoying a few good books!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Star of the Week

Our star this week is Ellis!
Ellis did a great job sharing his poster, poem and photos.
  The photos of him when he was little were very cute!  We learned that he went to school in Georgia until last year and that he had an interesting incident with a former teacher and ice cream.  We all got a good laugh out of his story!
His mom and grandma were his special guests.
Thanks for being our star, Ellis.  You did a fantastic job!

Winter Clothing Exchange

Winter Clothing Exchange

Are your children’s winter clothing (coats, snow pants & boots) starting to look and feel a bit snug, but you haven’t found an affordable replacement yet?  You are in luck!  The Sibley Staff is excited to announce that we will be having a winter clothing exchange during conferences on
 December 6, 7, and 10!

Here is how it will work:
·       If you have clean, gently used winter clothing (coats, snow pants, boots, gloves, mittens) that you could donate to the exchange, they can be dropped off at Sibley school starting December 3rd or brought to the exchange during conferences.   We need many sizes ranging from our smallest kindergarteners to adult sizes for our 5th graders.
·       If you want to donate new winter clothing (coats, snow pants, boots, mittens, gloves &  hats – especially the gloves, mittens and hats since they seem to need replacing more frequently) we will also start collecting those on December 3rd.
·       During conferences we will have tables of winter coats, boots, snow pants, hats, and gloves for you to select from.
·       If you have a need for winter clothing for your children but are unable to donate something to the exchange – you can still take advantage of this opportunity.
·       Donations can be dropped off at the office or given to your child’s teacher in a clearly marked bag.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 379-5111. 

Please note that the winter clothing exchange will support the need for winter clothing that we previously met through the Sibley Holiday Project – many of you donated to the project in the past and can do so again by donating items to the winter clothing exchange.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Metric Olympics

We had our first annual Metric Olympics in 4th grade this week!

Students practiced their estimating and measuring skills with time, measuring with centimeters, and calculating area with centimeters through six different events in our Metric Olympics.

Big Foot Contest
 Left Handed Grab and Place
Right Handed Grab and Place
Straw Javelin Throw
Paper Plate Discus
Cottonball Shotput